Lowrance HDS-7 Live Off Road GPS Now Available!

The latest generation of Lowrance units are available!
Replacing the HDS Carbon series is the HDS live series. The 7″ Units are currently listed and available on the website at: https://ruggedroutes.com/Lowrance-HDS-Live.html

9″, 12″ and 16″ units will also be listed soon. If you need the larger unit prior to seeing the online listing or have quesions, please contact us via e-mail using the web form at: https://ruggedroutes.com/index.php?route=information/contact


Arizona Off Road Trail Maps for Lowrance GPS

The Arizona map is Compatible with Lowrance HDS and Elite Ti GPS Units and will be shipping by May 31st, 2018.You can pre-order yours now and get additional information, here:

One very popular area that I get calls for all the time is Arizona. It’s extremely difficult for me to make a detailed trail map that covers an entire state. However, I was able to complete the new map of 100 Trails based on the Guide to Arizona Backroads & 4×4 Trails Guidebook by Funtreks. It includes Aerial imagery of the trails, the trails and trail heads which are color coded according to trail difficulty as well as Waypoints mentioned in the book. Each trailhead and Waypoint as has an info box that displays text from the book. These info boxes are loaded with information such as  trail introductions and extra info along the trail such as optional off-shoots, photo spots and hikes.
A quick preview of this map can be seen on the Rugged Routes youtube Channel here;

The Arizona map is Compatible with Lowrance HDS and Elite Ti GPS Units and will be shipping by May 31st, 2018. You can preorder yours now and get additional information, here:

I’m also currently working on a separate map specifically of the Arizona Peace Trail, new Topo map of the U.S. and many others.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 909-547-4651 or send us an e-mail via the web page here:

Which Lowrance GPS is right for you? – Get up to a $500 Rebate!

I wanted to send you some information regarding the current Lowrance products. Ultimately I want to help you get the unit that best fits your needs while taking advantage of the current mail in rebates.

Currently Lowrance has 2 product lines, HDS Carboon (the flagship of the product offerings) and Elite Ti (Which has lots of HDS features at a lower price point) In a nutshell, the Elite Ti series units has full map support for Rugged Routes mapping and are operated via a single touch, touchscreen and have most HDS features except a wired ethernet connection. Wired ethernet is only required for some optional accessories. The Elite-7 Ti andlarger all have a NMEA 2000 port which is required for connecting an external antenna while the Elite-5 Ti does not have this option. Overall I recommend Elite Ti Units for those who don’t wear gloves while driving off road who due to the touch screen operation. The Elite-7 Ti units are the most popular in this series and currently has a $100 Rebate available through May 31, 2018. You can purchase your Elite Ti Units from our website here: https://ruggedroutes.com/lowrance-off-road-gps-units-c-22.html/lowrance-elite-ti-off-road-gps.html The rebate form is available here: https://www.lowrance.com/contentassets/10fdf044b7ae4832b5050f4e27190207/catch_a_great_deal_rebateform2.pdf

The HDS Carbon units have all the bells and whistles including wired ethernet The HDS Carbon units have all the bells and whistles including wired ethernet for optional accessories and NMEA 2000 for external antenna connectivity. They have a multi touch, touch screen as well as a full feature set of physical buttons. because of the physical buttons, these units are more ideal for those that wear gloves such as in Side-x-Sides. The screen also has extreme viewing angles and is resistant to darkening issues with polarized sunglasses and goggles. The HDS Carbon is available in screen sizes from 7″ to 16″ with the 7″ being the most popular. If you are considering the external antenna option, you may want to consider the HDS 7 Carbon Baja Bundle. This is the most popular HDS unit and includes the external antenna at a $100 cost saving over buying to unit and antenna separate. On top of that there is a $200 mail in rebate available through May 31, 2018. The HDS Carbon units can be purchased here: for optional accessories and NMEA 2000 for external antenna connectivity. They have a multi touch, touch screen as well as a full feature set of physical buttons. because of the physical buttons, these units are more ideal for those that wear gloves such as in Side-x-Sides. The screen also has extreme viewing angles and is resistant to darkening issues with polarized sunglasses and goggles. The HDS Carbon is available in screen sizes from 7″ to 16″ with the 7″ being the most popular. If you are considering the external antenna option, you may want to consider the HDS 7 Carbon Baja Bundle. This is the most popular HDS unit and includes the external antenna at a $100 cost saving over buying to unit and antenna separate. On top of that there is a $200 mail in rebate available through May 31, 2018. The HDS Carbon units can be purchased here: https://ruggedroutes.com/lowrance-off-road-gps-units-c-22.html/lowrance-hds-carbon-off-road-gps-navigation-systems.html The rebate form is available here: https://www.lowrance.com/globalassets/lowrance/offers/lowrance-rebate-form-2018-hds-ultimate-upgrade.pdf

            I also, have some how to videos on YouTube shown here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQWaMqWMa8EpYm5AW5bv4dw For more information on these GPS Units and map availability, visit ruggedroutes.com or feel free to contact us.

-Steven Lutz
Rugged Routes

Lowrance Off Road GPS Tech, Trail Maps & Events