Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tunes ‘n Stuff- Lowrance with Sirius XM radio and weather overlay

You probably don’t know the full extent of whats possible with lowrance in your off road vehicle. Today, We shed a little more light on that, but I’ll keep it short becuase as usual, I’m writing this at 1:30AM and I’m exhausted. However, I’ll be back with more updates very soon. A lot has happened in the last few weeks.
I recently did an install of Lowrance’s Sirius XM Radio & Weather module on my Kawasaki KRX UTV, and lucky for you we filmed it so you can see exactly how i did it, got it wired into the intercom, and a bit about how it all works. I now have the absility to listen to tunes no matter where I am, right in my helmet / intercom system. At this point you might be wondering about how I mentioned weather… what is that? Well, it gives you the ability to overlay up to date weather on top of the GPS maps. I see this being more of a benefit for those that venture way out  on multi day off road adventures. More likely useful for the overlanding types that don’t want to get stuck in bad weather unexpectedly.
To check out the install video visit:

Maybe sirius radio isn’t for you, at that’s ok. There is alots of other cool stuff on the way. In the mean time, please consider updating the boot screen of your lowrance to a Rugged Routes one as pictured below.

The  update file is located here: Simply copy the unzipped files to an sd card, insert into your lowrance, and turn it on. It takes about 10 seconds to auto install and thats it..
I’ll elaborate more in a future e-mail, but the short of it is.. a lot has changed in this industry the last few years. Marketing has become much more difficult than in the past which means that you talking about me and the technology that I’m introducing to the off road industry, means more now than ever. Please tell your friends about me. Thanks for sticking with me and I’ll catch you on the next one.

It’s Alive – TrailMark Update

If you have been following the progress of the TrailMark, you probably know that it’s been an incredible journey that has tested patience and perseverance. From building a product that could have been released if it wasn’t for navigating the maze of covid chip shortages, and the need for finding all new components, re-engineering the platform from component selection to PCB design.. and now new firmware to be written.
Inch by inch, we are getting closer to a new version that can be built at scale which will drastically up your prerunning game.
In nutshell, the latest revision has powered up and shown first signs of life on the new chip. A small and quiet victorious step acheived at 11PM at the electronics bench earlier this week.

As I juggle various development and customer service / order fulfillment, I don’t have a firm ETA but things feel like they are finally getting really close to testing this final itteration.
Provided the onboard peripherals function as intended… it’s just needs the firmware written to not only replicate the prototype functionality but add powerfull additional features to help knock your racing efforts out of the park.

Exciting stuff.

Stay Tuned, and make sure to whitelist my e-mail address so my announcments make it to your inbox. Not only am I excited for this release, but I have more cool and much needed devices planned. The trailmark is forging the way with this new chip.

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey, I’m looking forward to this release as I know many of you are as well.

Better Faster Stronger – Optimizing for a Brighter Future

It’s ironic.
I’ve been a techy my whole life, yet I have found myself with a lot of manual processes. My “simple” business has spawned many inefficiencies, and bits of tech that should be coupled together, just aren’t. Running this business has simply become more complex over the years as well. What worked well many years ago has morphed over time and simply isn’t desireable anymore, by me or my customers. These inefficiencies have caused longer than expected turnaround times for orders getting kicked out the door and therefore has delayed many new long awaited projects / products for way too long.  Simply put, my daily processes absolutely suck, and it delays everything.
These issues are typically most prominent early in the year during busy season. Like right now. The effects are then historically compounded by being away for KoH and also historically getting sick afterwards (Hammer Lung?). It’s time to make fixing this glaring issue a priority and get this reoccurring speedbump of inefficienes out of the way.
At the beginning of the year I mentioned my momentum. Once the speedbump is handled, I’m confident that the momentum will run even stronger into the forseeable future which includes showing up to more events in 2024 while having faster shipping times and spending more of my time developing lots of cool stuff.
I’m just about caught up on lingering orders (Thank you for your patience, it and your business is much appreciated) and the TrailMark will get some attention in the coming days. Last weekends slated time for TrailMark development was pushed due to some life surprises… Afterall, I am still human.  I asure you I’ll take a day to trade my keyboard for a soldering iron very shorly.

I have a plan, stay tuned.


If you want to be notified of when the TrailMark gets released, see the info here: